Help Central Hudson manage the power grid and get rewarded.
Growing use of electricity has begun to strain our power grid, particularly in areas of limited transmission capacity. Select customers in these specific energy-constrained areas can now become part of a solution to alleviate the high demand for electricity that occurs during times of peak demand when usage is at its highest. You can help minimize the need for costly upgrades to our power grid and enjoy substantial rewards for your help.
Only open to businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and other commercial customers located in specific areas.
There are 3 Central Hudson Peak Perks programs. Customers can participate in one program or the Central Air Conditioner Program and Pool Pump Program together.
The Central Air Conditioner Program
$125 Enrollment Reward*
+$75 Annual Reward
$200 Total Reward in your first year
Participate in the program through your choice of energy-saving device – a smart Wi-Fi thermostat or outdoor efficiency switch. Choose the thermostat for an easy way to save on heating and cooling costs. Central Hudson Gas & Electric will equip your facility with up to two that you can access remotely from your mobile device or computer.
- Receive up to $200 your first year, $75 every additional year
- Optimize your facility’s heating and cooling energy efficiency
- Check and adjust your facility’s temperature from anywhere you have Internet access
- Program through a secure, personalized web portal
- Adjust your room temperature from your office or your register
The Pool Pump Program
$125 Enrollment Reward*
+$75 Annual Reward
$200 Total Reward in your first year
Participate in the program through an efficiency switch we install near your pool pump. This switch is only remotely activated during times of peak electricity demand. You help save energy automatically when it counts most.
Central Hudson Peak Perks programs enable you to automatically manage and reduce electricity consumption during times of peak usage when it counts the most. This peak demand for electricity occurs only occasionally, on the hottest summer days when tens of thousands of central air conditioners are running. Central Hudson Peak Perks lessens the load, helping to relieve strain on the power grid and avoid costly infrastructure upgrades that would otherwise be needed to meet growing demand.
The more people who participate in Central Hudson Peak Perks, the more effective the programs become. We hope you’ll join us in this important step forward for all of us in the Hudson Valley.
* The Enrollment Reward is a one-time check paid within 30 days of the installation of your energy-saving device.