Targeted Demand Response Program
If your business can commit to reduce its electrical demand by at least 50kW when requested by Central Hudson, please contact us at 844-258-7761. We’ll send a representative to you to explain how Central Hudson’s Peak Perks program for commercial & industrial customers can be a source of revenue for you, and provide energy savings for the region.
Participation | June 1 – September 30 |
Number & Duration of Events | Must agree to provide 4 hours of curtailment for typical demand response events and up to 8 hours of curtailment for special emergency situations that could result from extreme circumstances, including, but not limited to, temperature exceeding 95 degrees, temporary loss of distribution infrastructure, or temporary loss of transmission infrastructure. |
Notification | Day-ahead notices will be sent by 5 P.M. by email and phone. In-day noti cations will be sent at least two hours prior to event start by email and phone. |
Compensation | Seasonal Capacity Payment $6.825* per kW per month. For all four months. Prorated for partial season participation. |
Baseline | Customer Baseline Load (CBL): Average of the usage of each hourly interval of the top 5 days out of last 10 eligible weekdays. |
Settlements | Customers are paid seasonally. |
Compliance | Customers are required to curtail at least their committed load during events and test events. |
Consequences of Non-Performance | Derating: Customers will be paid at 0% –100% of their enrolled kW based on average reported performance in events and tests. |
Testing | A 1-hour test will be called each year on a non-holiday weekday from July 24 to August 7, between 2 P.M. and 6 P.M. If a curtailment event occurs prior to the test event, a test event will not be called. |
Enrollment Deadline | May 31 for full participation (June 1 – September 30) or June 30 for partial season participation (July 1 – September 30). |
Metering | Interval metering is required to participate in this program. Your facility must have at least ten (10) days of interval meter data by the Enrollment Deadline. If your facility does not currently have interval metering, please call to determine eligibility. |
*Direct Participants will receive $6.825/kW/month. Participants enrolling through an aggregator will receive an amount agreed upon between the participant and the chosen aggregator.